We are capable of so much more: experiments in listening
Rajni Shah and Karen Christopher are friends. This is at the heart of it. Every week since 2011, they have met to perform a duet called 'Holding OPEN' in which they sit together, doing nothing, and then write. It's a private duet, though it sometimes happens in a public space. In October 2014 they will spend a week together in Nottingham, having conversations about the things they care about. At the end of the week they will open up this conversation to the public as a short performance. You are very welcome to join them.
This event is being supported by Dance4 and Backlit Gallery in Nottingham, as part of 'In Dialogue 2014' - an international symposium that interrogates how artists and researchers use dialogue in their practice.
For further information: www.indialogue2014.wordpress.com.
This is the first in a series of performative dialogues that Rajni has initiated with other artists. There will be two more dialogues in 2015.