Translations was a series of community events for artists creating original and innovative work to show new and in-progress pieces and receive feedback. The aim of the events was to bring the arts community together so that inter-disciplinary collaborations might begin. Filmmakers, photographers, performance artists, dancers, writers and musicians were all invited to be present in a supportive and inspiring environment. A series of events took place at the Ballroom Studios and at Studio1, Bernina Avenue in Atlanta, GA (USA) during 2001-2 and later at the Farnham Maltings in Surrey (UK) during 2006. At each location, the event was sponsored by local businesses including bang restaurant, Dogwood beer and Morton's Fork.
Translations is a much-needed evening for the presentation of work in progress by individuals in various creative disciplines. While there have previously been such venues for relaxed yet serious evaluation by an interested and committed audience, Rajni Shah's re-invention of the format filled a genuine need in the experimental wing of the Atlanta arts community and has provided a new forum in which kindred spirits have been able to meet and carry on a fresh aesthetic dialogue.
- Jerry Cullum, Senior Editor, Art Papers Magazine